Hi everyone, Today I needed fin a lot of user’s AD SID value’s I’ve used the below script I hope it will be usefull for you. This command for username to SID This one for SID to Username. $SID =’S-1-5-21-3030846253-506056721-2238127685-1109′$objSID = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($SID)$objUser = $objSID.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])Write-Host...
Oracle client Deployment & Upgrade
Merhaba arkadaslar, Biliyorsunuz blog’um da saha da karsilastigim ve baskalarina faydali olabilecek bilgileri paylasiyorum. Biliyorum bir cok kurulus cloud tabanli yazilimlari kullanmaya basladi fakat onprem sistemler halen revacta ve kullanilmaya devam ediyor, Cloud tarafindaki maliyetler bunun temel sebebi. Musterilerimiz den biri Oracle 11 Database Client...
Active Directory Dcdiag Service Test & Advertsing Test failure
Merhaba Arkadaslar, uzun bir sureden sonra ilk defa yaziyorum,. Bir musterimiz de yaptigimiz dcdiag testlerinden sonra Services Test & AdvertisingTest Sirasinda hata aliyorduk. Microsoft forumlarindan birinde gordugum asagidaki komutlar problemimizi cozmeye yaradi. net stop w32time w32tm /unregister w32tm /register sc config w32time type=share net start...
Multiple UPNs apply to multiple groups of users
To start with I need to create the UPNS in AD and then exported a list of users Get-Mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited |Select-Object UserPrincipalName,PrimarySmtpAddress, @{Name=“EmailAddresses”;Expression={$_.EmailAddresses |Where-Object {$_.PrefixString -ceq “smtp”} | ForEach-Object {$_.SmtpAddress}}} | Export-CSV c:\temp\exportsmtpUserPrincipalName.csv -NoTypeInformation Once I had my list of users in different txt...
Vmware ESXI Freenas NFS DataStore Tanimlama
Merhaba arkadaslar bu yazimda sizinle Freenas ve diger storage tipleri icin NFS dosya sisteminin tanimlamasini ESXI uzerinden gosterecegim. Oncelikle Freenas uzerine gidip Storage>Pools> ilgili pool orn pool2> Add Dataset yolunu izlyerek bir volume olusturmamiz gerekiyor. Ardindan Sharing>Unix(NFS) Shares> Add yolunu izleyerek biraz once olusturdugumuz NFS...
Exchange 2010 Calendar Reviewer Permissions
Hello there, Today a customer was asked to see who was meeting the meetings in their meeting rooms. We received this request with the following command. Source Set-MailboxFolderPermission homeetingroom1:\Calendar -User Default -AccessRights Reviewer
Export Distribution Group Member Exchange
Get-DistributionGroupMember -identity “Group Name” | Export-Csv -not C:\root\filename.csv
How To Add Bulk Users to Member of Distribution Group
Hi everyone, You can use the following commands if you want to batch add a group user. Import-Csv -Path c:\root\1.csv | ForEach {Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity “Genel Müdürlük” -Member $_.EmailAddress}
Exchange 2013 Pop3 Connection Drop
Hi Everyone, This week we have an exchange connection problem, Problem with disconnecting Exchange pop3 we solve problem following command. Problem; Pop Proxy component is disabled, Use this command for checking component status Get-ServerComponentstate –Identity SERVERNAME Enable for component use following command; Set-ServerComponentState –Identity SERVERNAME...
Exchange 2013 Pop3 Connection Drop
Hi Everyone, This week we have an exchange connection problem, Problem with disconnecting Exchange pop3 we solve problem following command. Problem; Pop Proxy component is disabled, Use this command for checking component status Get-ServerComponentstate –Identity SERVERNAME Enable for component use following command; Set-ServerComponentState –Identity SERVERNAME...